17 Key Marketing Skills To List On Your Digital Marketing Resume

Being a marketer requires a wide range of skills. When you list your skills on a digital marketing resume, you have the opportunity to describe your strengths that position you ahead of your competitors.

Below, you’ll find a list of marketing skills that should be added to your digital marketing resume in order to help you separate yourself from fellow applicants.

Table of Contents

1. Content Marketing

Digital marketing campaigns are bound to fail if they do not include high-quality content and content strategies. Producing and distributing original content is needed to keep audiences interested, brands now understand that they must continuously produce high-quality content. 

With the numerous blogs publishing multiple entries every day, it’s still possible to profit from the fierce competition for content by positioning yourself as a content guru.

2. Data Visualization

A brand’s desire to share data insights with important target audiences goes hand in hand with the statistical analysis team.

Data visualizers assist in transforming raw information into understandable graphs, charts, and images. Using data visualizers, content creators may provide engaging, actionable material for their audience.

3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The term SEO is used to describe activities aimed at improving search engine rankings and the visibility of websites in organic search engine results (SERP).

Search Engine Optimization is vital and absolutely necessary for just about every business as is a website. Having experience and skills in this area is a big plus and a must for those looking to make their digital marketing resume shine.

4. Video Marketing & Production

You should be able to adapt demos, interviews, testimonials, and various storytelling styles to your target audience’s preferences.

The ability to edit video footage and create animations that deliver engaging stories to a broad audience is a must.

Video editing, video production, and video animation knowledge are all highly sought after skills in the world of digital marketing.

5. CMS Experience

A working knowledge of CMS has always been a good idea to include on a digital marketing resume, since practically every firm uses a CMS to create content.

A Content Management System (CMS) is used for the creation, management, and editing of material.

If you have experience working with a CMS, it’s recommended that you highlight this on your digital marketing CV.

6. Email Marketing

Using email for promotion is still one of the most successful ways to promote goods and services because of how many people it reaches.

This means having the ability to create compelling headlines, measure and analyze click-through rates, conversions, open rates, interactions, deliverability, and other metrics in detail.

Nearly all blogs feature newsletter signup forms and companies are eager to hire someone who can help them increase, maintain, and delight their email list of subscribers.

7. Consumer Behaviorist/Psychologist

Businesses are looking for specialists who understand consumer behavior and can assist to enhance consumer ties.

People buy things based on their feelings and emotional cues, which brands are aware of.

Including this in your digital marketing resume if you have the skill to understand and determine consumers behavior would also serve as an advantage.

8. Customer Relations Management (CRM) Skills

This is utilized to keep track of all the different ways customers interact with a business, which is the reason companies employ CRM software.

Having experience working with a CRM is a great asset for many businesses, as businesses are also on the lookout for CRM software expertise; connecting sales, marketing, and customer service all in one place.

9. Mobile Advertising and Marketing

Mobile devices drive nearly half of e-commerce traffic, with an estimated 60 percent of mobile consumers using their phone as their primary internet access device.

Having mobile advertising and marketing experience will surely serve as an advantage when highlighted on your digital marketing resume.

10. Testing and Optimization Skills

Testing and optimization skills involves tracking the outcomes of new methods and analyzing them to see which one performs best, and then making adjustments as needed to get the best results.

If you have experience with testing, optimization, A/B testing, etc then it would be smart to include this on your resume.

11. Data Science

Large firms have access to a dizzying array of data. Sometimes becoming too overwhelming for them due to the vast amount of data at their disposal.

The job of the data analysis specialist is to sort, analyze, and most crucially extract meaningful insights from these massive data dumps.

12. Lead Generating & Nurturing Skill

Lead generating and nurturing is becoming a superior sales solution for firms.

Businesses are in need of customers, and are willing to have a professional manage the part of their marketing that generates traffic and, ultimately, leads.

When it comes to business-to-business (B2B) interactions, most start with content offers and continue through the sales funnel with lead nurturing. This is a highly sought-after skill in the industry.

13. Mastery of a Whole Arsenal of Marketing Tools

Companies are on the lookout for marketers who know how to use the latest industry-specific software. Knowing which tools are most effective in a given situation is a huge plus. 

Using the following resources should help become more proficient : 

  • Social Media Marketing Tools
  • SEO software
  • Design and Image Tools
  • Tools for Increasing Productivity
  • Tools for Email

14. Paid Advertising on Social Networks

Competitors are stepping up their social media game now that buying likes and boosting Tweets has been made possible.

Businesses have realized this and are turning to monetized strategies in order to stay competitive.

We recommend trying your own paid social media marketing to gain knowledge in this skill and see what works best.

15. UX Design

The design of user experience is another field that has always been in need of skilled and qualified UX designers that can work with companies to create a seamless, natural user experience for their products.

This is a top-tier marketing skill, regardless of whether you’re working on software, apps, or website design, providing clients with streamlined and intuitive digital experiences.

16. Languages of Web Coding, such as HTML and CSS

Much of today’s marketing is done digitally. Demonstrating a rudimentary understanding of HTML and CSS shows that you are capable of self-correcting your mistakes with a little tinkering. You’ll have an advantage over the competition if you know how to code. 

17. Social Media Marketing

Companies looking to execute digital marketing tactics need personnel with social media marketing abilities who can help them increase their online visibility on social media.

Wrapping Up

When listing a wide range of your marketing skills on your digital marketing resume, it’s important to provide both interpersonal and technical skills.

Be sure to put an emphasis on skills where you are either an expert or an intermediate learner. Employers want to see your best skills — show them what you’ve got.

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