How Do I Become a Copywriter With No Experience?

Copywriting is one of the most lucrative careers available, with little to no experience needed.

This skill is highly sought-after, so finding clients shouldn’t be too difficult.

The question is, however, how does someone who has no prior experience as a copywriter go about becoming one?

Table of Contents

  1. Copywriter With No Experience
  2. Choose a Niche (or two)
  3. Make Irresistible Offers
  4. Collect Testimonials
  5. Research Is Necessary
  6. Avoid Distractions
  7. Use Your Strengths To Your Advantage
  8. Learn and Earn 
  9. Pitching Takes Practice
  10. Freelance for a Content Creation Agency
  11. Join a Writing Community
  12. Developing a Successful Freelance Writing Career

Copywriter With No Experience

Before getting started, you must first acquire knowledge about the subject matter, and possess a few basic skills like excellent spelling and grammar, as well as the ability to craft interesting, compelling pieces of writing.

Below, you’ll find some of the recommended guidelines for aspiring copywriters without any prior experience. 

Choose a Niche (or two)

It’s smart to concentrate your efforts on one or two specialized industries, which will make learning about your intended audience faster and easier.

Your understanding of your potential clients and their customers will improve as a result of selecting a familiar niche.

Your prospective clients are likely in search of copywriting experts in their niche. In other words, specializing in one or two different niches will give you the upper hand over copywriters who claim to be able to cover any subject.

It’s easier to gain experience when specializing in a particular niche, so picking a field in which you’re interested and well-versed serves as an advantage.

Make Irresistible Offers

By making an irresistible offer to your prospective clients, you’ll make it easy for them to hire you over others who charge exorbitant fees for their services.

Your offer shouldn’t be too complicated as simplicity should be aimed for here.

This can be achieved by making it known to them that you possess the skills to achieve their set goals, which can be to either double their conversion rate, increase their sales, revenue or help in rewriting their landing page.

The idea is to start out by offering your services at a discounted rate until you gain the trust of your client and then you’ll be able to raise your rates over time.

Collect Testimonials

Testimonials are gold in the business of copywriting and they’re not that hard to obtain as long as you have a few satisfied clients who not only trust you but consider you as an asset to their business.

Your prospective clients may be enticed to hire you after reading your testimonials and may be less interested in working with you if your testimonials come from unrelated industries.

Again, this is another reason why it’s recommended to focus on your niche once identified.

Research Is Necessary

The abilities required of a copywriter include time management, excellent spelling and grammar to avoid delivering work that’s riddled with typos and errors, and never missing a client deadline.

Avoid Distractions

Focus on the type of copywriting that you’re best at, and you’ll be more productive if you set your niche as a top priority and remain laser-focused on it.

Use Your Strengths To Your Advantage

When you possess existing skills, it becomes much easier to break into the freelance copywriting industry, and despite lacking formal writing experience, having a combination of knowledge and skills could prove useful.

Learn and Earn

Copywriting is a skill that can only be acquired through practice and the right training, a college degree isn’t needed to get started.

Starting to pitch clients does not mean that you have to be a highly skilled copywriter with years of experience.

Sometimes being honest and upfront about your skills and experience can win you clients.

The key to becoming a great copywriter is to learn as much as possible, which of course will also require lots of practice and errors are bound to happen — it’s what you learn from those mistakes that matters most.

Pitching Takes Practice

Approaching potential clients and offering your services can be nerve-wracking at first, but with practice you will soon become more comfortable with the process.

Your chances of landing work through pitches increases as your portfolio grows, which can be better achieved by working for a content creation agency.

Freelance for a Content Creation Agency

Starting your freelance writing career with a content creation agency will give you an edge and make it easier to build your portfolio and establish yourself as a respected copywriter.

Agency work serves as a way to gain experience, and makes securing and receiving payment from clients stress-free, since the writing firm takes care of that on your behalf.

Join a Writing Community

It’s a good idea to pay attention to key social media influencers like celebrities and business leaders, and also find other freelance copywriters in the same niche. 

Copywriters who have been in the industry for quite a while can share their knowledge on what they have gained over the years and also provide connections to paying freelance writing jobs.

Many of these communities exist on platforms such as Reddit, Facebook Groups and more.

Developing a Successful Freelance Writing Career

Working from home and being your own boss are both possible perks of this position. 

Once you have made a name for yourself as a freelance copywriter, you can start pursuing larger, more lucrative projects with clients.

A short course or working with a mentor in the field of copywriting are both excellent ideas.

It may take some time and patience, but as your writing portfolio grows, your workload increases, so will your influence as a copywriter.

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